How much have you spent today? Whether you’ve spent a little on your daily chai latte or a lot fuelling up the car, there’s no judgement here! The more important question is… How much have you saved?
Again, no judgement. We know how quickly money can come and go. And how saving can seem like an uphill struggle. But, what if we told you there’s a way for your everyday spending to actually help your savings?
Interested? Say “hello” to the BCU Bank Boss Saver account!
Boss mode activated
Our Boss Saver account could help you reach your money goals. Simply put, it rewards you with bonus interest when you spend on your everyday account. Spending to save? Let’s break it down and explain how it works.
The benefits of being a boss saver
“What’s the catch?” we hear you say... Well, we don’t think there is one. Here’s why:
- You can open both an Access Account and a Boss Saver account with no minimum balance.
- There are no monthly fees attached to either account.
- You can access your money in your Boss Saver account whenever you want, without penalty. That means, you won’t miss out on your bonus interest if you need to dip into your savings – as long as you’ve met the above criteria using your BCU Access Account, of course.
Even more ways to boss saving
Now it’s time to introduce Pay&Save – another way to really become the boss of your savings! Pay&Save gives you the ability to save even more as you do your daily spending, by choosing to round up the cost of your everyday in-store purchases.
Round up to the nearest $1, $5 or $10 to automatically save the difference into your new Boss Saver account. It’s the digital equivalent of tossing your loose change in a piggy bank.
Here’s an example rounding up purchases to the nearest $5:
You buy | It costs | Round up | You save |
Long black coffee | $4.50 | $5.00 | $0.50 |
Emergency grocery run | $51.30 | $55.00 | $3.70 |
Cinema ticket and drink | $32.00 | $35.00 | $3.00 |
Total transferred to your BCU Bank Boss Saver account: | $7.20 |
Pay&Save is automatic, convenient, and it’s possible you’ll forget it’s even set up. It’s a great way to save smarter – and reach your saving goals like a boss.
Another great way to show your money who’s the boss is by using mymo by BCU. Our free money management app is designed to help you get a clear picture of your finances, so you can set and reach your financial goals with ease.
Link up your BCU accounts (and any others you may have with other banks) and you can get bill reminders, track your spending with handy budgets, and potentially even see where you can find extra savings or money to pay off debts quicker. Saving and budgeting like a boss? Winner.

Spending and saving with BCU Bank

Access Account


Digital wallets
Important information
Banking and Credit products issued by Police & Nurses Limited (BCU Bank).
Any advice does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Read the relevant terms and conditions, before downloading apps or acquiring any product, in considering and deciding whether it is right for you. The Target Market Determinations (TMDs) are available on our website or upon request.