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mymo by BCU helps you to reach your money goals sooner, so you can live your best life.

Get started with a BCU bank membership

1. Open a bank account to become a BCU Bank member.

2. Download mymo by BCU from the App Store or Google Play.

3. Register using your new BCU membership number and password.

4. Add your accounts from other banks.

Become a BCU Bank member

All your accounts in one place

Securely add your transaction and savings accounts, credit cards, home and personal loans and more from every Australian financial institution you bank with into your mymo in just a few clicks, so you can see exactly where your money is going.

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Manage your money your way

mymo makes it easier for you to create budgets and stick to them.

You can quickly set up a budget by category, like takeout, subscriptions, or your pet’s needs, and match it to your pay cycle, or any other schedule you like. Then mymo will keep an eye on it for you, helping you to stay on track.

Start living your best life

1. Open a bank account to become a BCU Bank member.

2. Download mymo by BCU from the App Store or Google Play.

Read the relevant Terms and Conditions, before downloading this app, in considering and deciding whether it is right for you.

Reach your goals faster

Whether you’re saving for a house or just want to build a savings buffer, set up your goals to track your progress.

mymo will send you hints and tips to help you reach your goals faster.

Say goodbye to late fees

Trouble tracking your bills?

You can mark any of your transactions a bill and set the frequency so you know when to expect it in the future.

mymo will let you know when bills are coming and if there’s enough in your account to cover them.

Bank-level security

mymo by BCU is powered by Open Banking and developed under the Australian Government’s Consumer Data Right (CDR) scheme. We’re proud to support the Open Banking initiative, which gives you more control over your information and puts your data back in your hands.

mymo uses bank-level encryption to keep your personal info safe, and you can set up a PIN or biometrics to access it. You choose what accounts and information to share, and you can remove consent to share data at any time.

See how it works

Let's do this!

1. Open a bank account to become a BCU Bank member.

2. Download mymo by BCU from the App Store or Google Play.

Read the relevant Terms and Conditions, before downloading this app, in considering and deciding whether it is right for you.

Information and support

Helpful links

To find out more about Australia’s Consumer Data Right, visit the ACCC website at  https://www.accc.gov.au/focus-areas/consumer-data-right-cdr-0 or https://www.cdr.gov.au/how-it-works.

Frequently asked questions

mymo by BCU offers BCU customers a new banking app that is just like your very own personal financial assistant, with handy features designed to make your money work for you. Tailored to your needs, mymo safely and securely links all of your accounts across all financial institutions in one place. mymo gives you the full picture of your finances, with personalised insights and reminders to help you take control of your budget and reach your goals faster.

You can find the mymo app in the Google Play Store or Apple Store by searching for BCU or mymo by BCU. Only ever download apps from the official Google Play Store or Apple Store.

BCU customers who are at least 18 years of age and have registered for BCU iBank. Not a BCU customer yet? Get started now.

The mymo app is an opt in companion app that will work alongside the current mobile banking app, providing you with financial empowerment benefits, features and functionality. It’s important to note that mymo pulls banking data in from many financial institutions and displays the data only - it has no transactional capability. You will still need to complete all your banking including transfers from within the mobile banking app.

Once verified this allows us to authenticate you and safely and securely integrate your BCU accounts and transaction history directly into your mymo experience. You will only be asked to provide this once on initial registration.

Yes, it is safe to link your other bank accounts from within mymo. Your bank account data is securely stored and managed in line with rules and safeguards of the Consumer Data Right (CDR) legislation. Just the same as your other banking apps.

BCU are an Accredited Data Recipient (ADR) governed by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). BCU are required to adequately protect your CDR data from misuse, interference, loss, and unauthorised access, modification, or disclosure. You can read more about our obligations in our Consumer Data Right Policy.

You’ll be able to link transaction and savings accounts, credit cards, home and personal loans and superannuation from every Australian Financial Institution into mymo. mymo transforms your transactional data into valuable financial insights that can detect future bills, automatic transaction categorisation and more. mymo will also let you know in advance if there isn’t enough money in your account to cover your up-and-coming bills.

Joint accounts for BCU will show in the mymo app, just as they are shown in Internet Banking. Joint accounts from other financial institutions are also able to be added, however customers will require the joint account holder’s authorisation to share the data with BCU.

  1. Select All accounts from the mymo dashboard and click on the plus (+) symbol in the top right-hand corner of the app.
  2. Search for your financial institution and follow the prompts to log in and view your information.
  3. The Consumer Data Right (CDR) will prompt you to select a consent time period (3 months, 6 months & 12 months), data we need including account balance and transaction details and confirming your final consent with key dates and supporting parties involved.

In mymo by BCU you can create a budget to stay on track with your spending for over 70 categories. Budgets can be aligned to your pay cycle or budget date.

  1. To add a budget select the My Budgets widget from the mymo dashboard.
  2. Click Add a Budget.
  3. You can choose to align your budget to your pay cycle or budget to a different date. To align your budget, select Yes align to pay cycle or No budget to a different date.
  4. Kick off your budget by selecting the category to budget to. The mymo by BCU app will show the total spend on a number of categories. Select each category to set a budget value. The budget is set to each pay cycle or budget date.
  5. You can have multiple budgets for different categories. Just follow the instructions above to set up more budgets.

Please note: You can only have one budget date across multiple categories.

To edit a budget, select the budget and tap edit on the right-hand corner. Don’t forget to save the new value.

To remove a budget, tap the edit button and select the rubbish bin to remove.

mymo by BCU allows you to customise your dashboard based on what you feel you will use the most.

  1. To customise your dashboard, scroll to the bottom of the mymo dashboard and click on Customise Dashboard.
  2. Click and drag the widgets around to change the order.
  3. Tap the minus (-) to remove the widget or the plus (+) to add the widget back. 

 To delete your mymo account follow the steps below.

  1. The app Settings function can be accessed via the Dashboard. Tap on the cog icon at top right of the screen. When you open the app Settings screen, delete mymo account will be listed under Account Ownership.
  2. You will need to tap on Delete mymo Account. This will take you to the Delete Account screen where you can delete your mymo account.
  3. Once you read ‘What happens once you delete your user account’ and tap ‘Delete my account’, the system will immediately delete your account along with the data, you will be immediately taken out of the app.