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How to create a bill reminder

mymo by BCU can track regular debits from your accounts, no matter which bank they are with. Once you have connected all your bank accounts follow the steps below to be alerted each time there is a payment due.

  1. Select 'Find bills for me' on the main dashboard. Then, select the + sign to add a bill. From there you can either use an existing transaction or create a bill manually. 
  2. To use an existing transaction, select the option and then scroll or search for the transaction you wish to use. Select it to add as a bill. You'll then be able to set the frequency and input when the next due date is (if it hasn't pre-populated). Select 'Save bill' .
  3. To create a bill manually, choose that option and then type in the name of the bill and then the amount. Select the frequency and add when the next due date is. Remember to save your bill reminder.