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What browser version can I use to access internet banking?

We are committed to ensuring your safety online, so we recommend you keep your internet browser updated to the latest version. Previous versions may use outdated security controls, which are considered insecure, and where support is being phased out by most secure websites. 

Browsers other than those we have listed below may still work if they support newer security features, however, because unsupported browsers aren’t fully tested, certain parts of internet banking may not work perfectly. 

How do I update my browser on my mobile phone?

The default browser on your mobile phone will be updated automatically when your operating system updates are installed. If you use a third-party web browser, the latest version can be downloaded from your app store.

How do I update my internet browser on my computer?

To update your browser or for further technical support, please refer to the information provided here:

Google Chrome

Microsoft Edge

Mozilla Firefox