Batch Payments within internet banking have many features which can help you better manage your day-to-day business banking payments incliuing to:
- Create both manual and imported Cemtex (.aba file) batches.
- Display Cemtex batch transactions as a single summary transaction with the ability to review using the batch history feature.
- Schedule batches to process at a later date.
- Add internal, external or BPAY transactions to manual batches.
- Add internal and external transactions to Cemtex batches.
- Re-process an entire manual batch.
- Re-process just the failed transactions in all batches.
- Define a specific number of approvals required before a batch can be processed.
- Setup different levels of access for each individual signatory.
- Track each stage of the batch creation and approval process and can be audited to
determine which signatory performed which actions and when.