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How to use Batch History?

After a batch has been processed, a record of it will appear in the Batch History so that you are able to keep track of your completed batches. Batch history cannot be deleted. The following steps will help you to navigate the batch history feature. In the menu, click Transfer/Pay > Batch Payments, then click History.

The Batch History shows you the records of all the processed batches.

If you can’t find the batch you are looking for, you can use search to find it. Click the Magnifying Glass icon.

When you find the batch, click on the expander, and this will display more information about the batch, as shown.

How to find batches in transaction history?

Processed batches will appear in the Transaction History, but with fewer details than the Batch History. Manual batch transactions will be displayed in the Transaction History as individual transactions.

Cemtex batch transactions will appear in the Transaction History as a single summary transaction