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bcu ABA File Validator

An Australian Banking Association (ABA) file is a standard of file used by Australian Banks to make multiple payments from Internet Banking systems.

You can use the bcu ABA File Validator below to check your Cemtex file meets the requirements of the Australian Bankers Association, and the new bcu iBank Batch Payments system. This will check for any BSB or account number issues prior to, or after, you attempt a file upload. Your ABA file will be analysed in your web browser and will not be uploaded or saved to bcu servers.

Please select your ABA file

This ABA file checker is intended to identify differences between what the new bcu iBank batch system can support and what the old one supported. It is not intended as a comprehensive Cemtex file checker for all characteristics.

Errors found with alphanumeric characters in an account number can be corrected by either removing all characters in the account from and after the first non-numeric character, or replacing the account number with another account number provided by the recipient.

Errors found with the BSB are corrected by replacing the incorrect BSB with a correct BSB provided either by the recipient or the recipient's bank. BSB numbers can be checked using the form at http://bsb.apca.com.au/ or a download of all BSB's can be done by selecting the 'Download BSB Files' link on the same page.

If you require any assistance or would like to provide feedback on the ABA file checker please call us on 1300 228 228.