How internet banking can help your business
Getting started with internet banking
Smooth money management for your business
Simplify bulk payments with batch payments
Batch payments make processing multiple transactions at the same time simple, which is perfect for paying wages, suppliers, or super contributions.
Using batch payments in internet banking, you can:
- create a batch manually or by uploading a Cemtex file.
- add internal, external, or BPAY transactions to manual batches.
- add internal and external transactions to Cemtex batches.
- set up different levels of access for each signatory on the account.
- schedule batches to process at a later date.
Batch payments are a secure, efficient, and cost-effective way to manage bulk transactions, so your payments can be streamlined and you can have more time to focus on your business.

Keeping your online banking secure
In today's digital era, businesses have joined the rest of the world online with buying supplies (to be sent directly to your door – how handy!), paying bills, and transferring money. So here at BCU Bank, we prioritise your online security.
For example, when you make a transfer to a new payee, we'll send you an SMS security code to verify the transaction. This way we can make sure only authorised payments and changes are processed, keeping your personal information and money secure.
Because we're here to help
Got a question about internet banking?
Profiles are a feature in internet banking that will make it easier to manage your money by clearly separating your personal banking accounts from those connected to your non-personal accounts if you are a signatory on a business, club or trust.
With profiles, you’ll be presented with a screen when you login to choose whether you want to see your personal accounts or view your business, association, club or trust accounts that you have signatory access to.
You can also personalise your payee list for each profile under Transfer/Pay > Manage Payees.
Yes. With Payment Approvals you can make payments from two to sign/dual authorisation accounts in internet banking or the mobile app.
The account holder or signatory initiating the payment will need to create the payment in the payments screens as usual, and then the second approver will be notified by email (if they have email receipts turned on) or via the internet banking dashboard to approve the payment.
Approvers can then simply log in to internet banking, go to Transfer/Pay > Payment Approvals, or follow the link from the dashboard, to approve the payment.
The payment will show as 'pending approval' for up to 14 days, after which time the pending payment will expire.
Payment Approvals are available on all payment types excluding BPAY – although approval on BPAY payments will be released soon.
If you have any questions or would like help using Payment Approvals, please call us on 1300 228 228 or visit your local branch.
You can personalise the names of your accounts that appear in the mobile app and internet banking. This can be helpful when you’re saving for different goals or opening accounts for specific purposes e.g. My home deposit, New car account, Takeaway fund.
- In the mobile app select the account you wish to personalise. Tap the three dots in the top right-hand corner, and then select Rename account > Personalised account name > Update.
- In internet banking, go to Settings > Account preferences > Preferred account name > Update and save.
You can change or remove your personalised account name any time. To revert the account name back to display its original name, simply delete the custom name you have loaded and save your change.
To get your bank transactions imported into Xero, you’ll need to add your bank account into Xero by following the steps on the Xero website.
Once submitted through Xero, keep an eye on your Secure Mail, we’ll be in touch here if we need anything further from you.