If you're applying for a new Visa Credit card or have an existing Visa Credit card with us, you can apply to add an additional card holder to your account following the steps below.
1. Confirm membership - an additional card holder must be a member with BCU Bank.
You can become a member by opening a deposit account online or by visiting a branch. If applying online you will need to provide two of the following identification documents - Australian passport, driver's licence or Medicare card - so that we can verify your identity.
2. Complete and sign additional cardholder form - the account holder will need to complete and sign. The additional card holder must also sign the form.
Download Credit Card Additional Cardholder Request form - PDF (90 kB)
3. Return the signed form - you can return the form to a BCU Bank branch, or if you cannot get to a branch during business hours, you can return the document via Secure Mail in Internet Banking.
4. Account authority - we’ll process your request as quickly as possible, set up the account authority for the additional card holder, and advise when your additional card is on it’s way.
If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 1300 228 228.
Important information
- The additional cardholder must be over 16 years of age and will be authorised to operate on your card account at no additional charge.
- If the nominated additional cardholder is not an existing member of P&N Bank, we will need to confirm their identity, and they will be required to become a member of P&N Bank.
- All transactions on your card account authorised by the additional cardholder will be treated as having been authorised by you. You will be responsible for these transactions.
- An additional cardholder may complete card and over the counter transactions, and may access the account via Internet Banking. An additional cardholder may access financial information about the account, including transaction information, account balance, available credit limit and minimum monthly repayments.
Remember, although additional cardholders can charge purchases to your P&N Bank Visa Credit card account, as the main account holder you're responsible for meeting the repayment obligations.