Thanks for submitting your application.
In order to facilitate our assessment, please send the following documents (where available) to, as soon as possible. The sooner we receive these, the sooner we can begin working with you on the right solution for your situation.
Please include your member number, name and "Application for Hardship Assistance", in the subject line:
- two of your most recent payslips or
- bank statements for the last three months if your main transactional account is not with BCU Bank or
- confirmation from Centrelink of current benefit paid, or
- any other documents evidencing income.
Please remove or mask any sensitive information in the documents before sending – this could include information such as tax file numbers, and all references to bank account numbers evident on transactional accounts, loans and credit cards.
Thank you for your understanding and patience as we work to provide support to you and all our members in need.
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